In the Name of God, the Compasive, the merciful.
Inna Lillahi ua ilaihi rayiun
The horrifying crime of the Zionist regime and the massacre of houndred of mens, women and inocent children, has cleared again the veil of lies that there are covered trough the lastest years, the blooded face of the zionist wolves and they have show to them to the thoughtless and negligent - the danger of this incredulous militant present in the heart of Islamic Nation territories.
The tragedie of this terrible event is very hard and conmotional to all muslims and to all conscientious and worthy humans in every place in the world. Nevertheless, even more stirring it is silence of some arab governments.
What calamity is major that the fact that the Muslim governments, who would have to support to the town pressed of Gaza before the usurping regime, incredulous and militant, have a conduct that animates to the Zionist authorities to consider insolently that they are in agreement and in favor of this great tragedy?
What answer would give the agent chief executives him from these countries to the messenger of God (SAW)? What gives answer to their towns, that surely, are in mourning by this calamity?
Certainly, today the heart of the town of Egypt and Jordan and other Islamic countries are overflowed of blood by this massacre, after prolonged a blockade of foods and medicines.
The criminal government of Bush in the last days of his shameful government contributing with this crime has blackened still more the face of the American regime and has made more thickness the file of his crimes like a criminal military. The European governments with their indifference and perhaps with its complicity in this great tragedy, once again have demonstrated the falsification of their pretensions of defense of the human rights, and also they have left in evidence its participation in the front against the Islam and the Muslims. Now, I ask the wise people and monks to them of the Arab world and leaders of Al-Azhar of Egypt: " Perhaps has not arrived the moment that you feel the danger that faces the Islam and the Muslims? Perhaps the moment has not arrived that you fulfill the obligation of ' to abstain from ilicit' and to say the truth in front of the opresor governors? Perhaps you hope that another scene arises still more shows that the one that this arising in Gaza and Palestine? A scene that demonstrates the complicity of incredulous the militant ones with the hypocrites of the Islamic Nation in the destruction of Muslims so that you feel responsibility? "
My question for mass media and to the intellectuals of the Islamic World, especially, to the Arab world: Inasmuch as time want to remain indifferent with respect to your professional and intellectual responsibility?
Perhaps the organisms of human rights and to the Council, in inverted commas, of Security of the United Nations hope to pass more shame of the one than they are happening?
All the Palestinian combatants and other believers of the Islamic World within their possibilities are responsible to defend the women, children and the defenseless people of Gaza and any Muslim who dies in this legitimate and asylum defense are a martyr and she is hoped that in the day of the Final Judgment she is between the rows of the martyrs of Badr and Uhud, in the presence of the Envoy of God (SAW).
In these crucial cirscunstances, the Organization of the Islamic Conference must fulfill her historical responsibility and create a unanimous front, without reserves nor passivity before the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime must be punished by the Muslim governments.
The ringleaders of the usurping regime to personally have to be judged and to be punished by this crime and its long blockade economic.
The Muslim towns can make specific these requests through one signs determination and the responsibility of the politicians, wise people and intellectuals is much more heavy who the one of others at this moment.
I declare Monday like day of general duel by this tragedy that is occurring in Gaza and I exhort to the authorities from the country to that they perform one's duty with respect to this tragic event.
"The opresors will soon see the destiny that hopes to them!" (Qur'an 26:227)
Sayyed Ali Jamenei
December 28, 2008
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